Revolving Door at White House Spins Again with Rahm's Exit

Rahm-Emanuel-10-4-10.jpgThe revolving door at the White House continues. With the official departure Oct. 1 of Rahm Emanuel, President Barack Obama's Chief of Staff, the list of resigned or forced-out Administration appointees grows longer by the week.

Emanuel says he is leaving to run for the Mayor's post in Chicago, his home town.  Emanuel's departure marks the exit of the most prominent Administration executive to leave Capitol Hill to date.  So many have preceded Emanuel, the list is too lengthy to post in this space.

Emanuel was supposed to have become Obama's Top Cop when the President appointed him in 2008.  But his fiery delivery and quick verbal shots at Republican and other opponents of the Administration, didn't win him any roses most of the time during his term in office.

Sure, you can believe Emanuel's reason for leaving is that he wishes to become involved in heavy Chicago politics at this time. But I don't buy it.

Barack-Obama-holding-up-both-hands-9-28-10.jpgI have no documentary evidence but street talk over the past year makes it perfectly clear that Emanuel and Obama often didn't see eye-to-eye on the Administration's policy and attitude towards the state of Israel.  Emanuel, of course, is a staunch pro-Israel backer.

Rather than slug it out in public over this subject, Emanuel spotted a niche in Chicago and used that as his official exit ticket.

Voters at the upcoming Nov. 2 Mid-Term elections know there is trouble in River City - Washington that is --- and will make their feelings known at the ballot box.

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