Republican Rand Paul Makes No Apologies for Gun Laws After Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shooting

Rand Paul
Guns don't kill.  Individuals do. That is the firm belief of Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul.

He repeated that position in a televised Fox News Interview following the point-blank shooting Jan. 9 of Democratic Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.  She is fighting for her life today in a Tucson hospital.

Jared Lee Loughner, a 22-year-old Tucson resident, was tackled by witnesses at a grocery store parking lot where Giffords was speaking to constituents.

Loughner has been charged with six counts of first-degree murder.  He murdered an Arizona judge, four Giffords' aides, a nine-year-old girl and seriously wounded 14 others, including Giffords.

Jared Lee Loughner
Loughner purchased a semiautomatic 9mm handgun last year and fired off an entire 31-round extended magazine.  He had been planning the shooting for months, according to varied online and televised accounts.

Loughner hasn't yet told police why he specifically carried out the shootings.

Not to be simplistic, but Rand's thesis that guns do not kill is, of course, erroneous.  Guns do kill - but only after a human has pressed the trigger.

Rands says he has no apologies for his firm belief that all Americans should be entitled to carry weapons.  Like the good old bad days of the Western Frontier.

Paul, an ophthalmologist, says he has scanned the brief profile produced by police on Loughner, and is convinced the shooter suffers from "paranoid schizophrenia."  He says "this man was a really sick individual."

Gabrielle Giffords
The newly elected Senator says the same thing could happen again to anyone at any time - regardless of how strict the laws are against owning guns.

I agree with Paul on that point.  We are living in a changed society --- changed specifically from Nov. 22, 1963 when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, TX.

No new gun laws introduced by either Republicans, Democrats or Independents this Congressional session will stop these wanton killings.  Only another changed society can hope to do that.

But don't bet on that happening soon.

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